
I was thrilled and honored when Arianna Huffington herself invited me to share the experience of my divorce on HuffPost. I heard her Thrive book launch event at City Center in NYC and she said, “I am so commited to having everyone thrive, that I will be your thrive buddy if you don’t have one.” And in front of 3000 people in the audience, she shared her email. I wrote to her that afternoon and said, “My mom just died suddenly from cancer, I am in the middle of a painful divorce of a 16 year marriage, I just returned home to Vermont as a prodigal daughter after 30 years away. Everything is in rupture. Everything is new. I am a beginner at 43.” She said write about it all here. And I did. I share these stories with you to INNspire you. My father, the wise Greek psychiatrist, says creativity is the alchemy that turns conflict into art. Express your feelings with art and they resolve themselves instantly and leave you with a beautiful tangible story, dance, song, painting, sculpture as a testiment to your growth. So here they are. The stories of my transformatINN. May the INNcourage you to blossom and feel even more INNcredible each day.
