
The only word to describe my life is INNcredible. How else could I have met the French love of my life while singing in the living room of my family’s Vermont country inn? Michel lives in Paris and was visiting Vermont for only 2 nights.

My cabaret was called "Tinderella" and recounted my colorful misadventures braving 52 dates in 52 weeks in an attempt to find a Nice Jewish Boy who was 6 feet tall with brown curly hair, glasses and ideally a French accent. Michel, miraculously, is every single adjectives! He won the giveaway Statue of Liberty pair of undies in my cabaret. and after 6 weeks as penpals, we rendezvoused on Lovers Bridge in Paris.

Five years later, our enchanted Paris week has blossomed into 30 vacations in Vermont, California, Niagara Falls, New York City, Paris and throughout France. We have created an INNternational relationship that is INNtimate, INNdependent and INNcredible.

I never, ever imagined that I would now spend half my life in Paris with the love of my life. I never imagined I would be the prodigal Vermont daughter and come home to run our family inn beside my father, sister and brothers. I never imagined my son would thrive and be such a happy, well adjusted child. I never imagined I would have a dog that would change my heart and my business. I never imagined I would be happier and more radiant in my 50s than in my 20s, but voila.

I leapt into my midlife Renaissance because I simply could not stay still and stuck in a marriage that didn’t serve me. I wanted 10 years to summon the courage to leap - and when I did, I never looked back.

I am here to INNspire YOU to leap into YOUR midlife renaissance and find your version of Paris - whatever it is. I am here as a catalyst of joy to INNcourage and INNspire you to be as INNcredible too — because you really are.

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